– Waking up by the enticing invitation of sharing the day with the marvels of nature is almost heavenly. As a family, we embrace life within its greatness; within its many facets. And we all share a common passion for our highly respected ranch-raised horses. They are so much part of our daily lives.
Our horses are bred and raised to live a life close to humans. To interact with us people. To share an exceptionally versatile common path. A path of many chances, obstacles and challenges. We work with our horses on long trails, we work cattle horseback, we compete in various cattle related classes, we use horses on our domains, but also down the road traveling through the international western equine competition industry. Our horses become partners; broad-minded travelers trained and skilled to make the very best of their lives and their talents.
The basis of everything we accomplished with our horses—the foundation of the unique relationship we established, is love. A relationship of mutual respect.
The Royal Longhorn Ranch EU
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